Making a Difference With Your Estate Plan
Bradford & Holliman discuss ways you can use your estate plan to give back to your community, both now and later on.
Packing for College from a Legal Point of View
Bradford & Holliman discuss estate plan needs of young adults heading off to college.
Parenthood – A Continuing Education
Bradford & Holliman describe how estate plans need to evolve as your children grow up.
Weddings Trigger Estate Plan “To Do” Lists
In June - and every other month of the year - wedding bells are often ringing. Among all the many "to do" lists that come with weddings, there is one "to do" that should occur at least right after the honeymoon -- estate planning together. Bradford & Holliman contributed this article
Celebrating Seniors and Their “Senior” Moments
How seniors (with silver hair) enjoy their senior moments with a good estate plan.
Where Will Your Riches Go?
Learn what really makes up your "estate" from Bradford & Holliman.
Avoiding Probate with Trusts
Bradford & Holliman suggest ways to avoid "gotchas" with revocable trusts.
Shop from Home for Holiday Gifts
Bradford & Holliman suggests you shop in your own home for every holiday . . . and we're not talking about online! Read on . . . .
Melanie Holliman is Guest Speaker on The Attorneys talking about Elder Law
Melanie Holliman speaks about Elder Law on The Attorneys.
Estate Planning is for the Living
This article by Melanie B. Holliman, JD was first published in the September 2019 issue of the Birmingham Christian Family magazine. Many of us like to be in control and sometimes look at estate planning for the living as a loss of control. Nothing could be further from the truth. A